Surabaya’s urban green space strategy reducing city temperatures

As part of Indonesia’s second largest cities’ (10 million Greater metropolitan residents) green city initiatives the mayor of Surabaya has prioritised reducing the cities’ temperatures  Since Surabaya is close to the equator and at sea level it experiences high average temperatures which when influenced by the urban heat island effect result in even more uncomfortable temperatures. Surabaya has for over …

Pedestrians prefer shade over safety? Research in Malang Indonesia’s Green City

This medium sized temperate city in Eastern Java has taken advantage of its milder climate and existing green infrastructure to increase its total amount of greenery – the cities green strategy has increased its proportion of urban green space to more than 30%. One of the most successful elements of the cities plan to increase urban green space has been …

Green Corridors – Essential urban walking and natural infrastructure

What: Green corridors in cities can be defined as linear natural infrastructure, such as trees and plants, that link up other green and open spaces to form a green urban network. These networks provide both ecological services, such as habitats and resources for urban wildlife; whilst also providing services to urban populations such as mobility networks and access to green …

Mexico’s Green Cities – Promoting urban walking and interaction with nature

More temperate countries can learn a lot from places with more tropical or sub tropical climates, such as Mexico, about how to create outdoor green spaces in cities that people want to and can use in any weather; and that promote walking and people focused spaces. The following are some innovative examples from cities and towns across Mexico that aim …

Easy Tree Identification Tips – How to get to know a tree

Tree and plant identification is something that everyone can enjoy, and can enrich our interaction with nature hugely. By knowing what type of tree you’re looking you can understand more of its characteristics – how it lives; looks now; how it will change and why it is important to the natural world. This can assist in creating a deeper connection …

How to get more out of your time with nature

We all know that feeling of satisfaction when we learn or discover something new. I believe that nature is also something that every individual can be constantly learning about and engaging with. As well as giving us satisfaction, research has shown that engaging meaningfully with nature increasing all manner of mental and physical health factors. Here are a few ideas …

Simple Guide to UK Urban Tree Identification

The more time we spend in nature and the deeper our connection with trees, plants and wildlife the greater the benefits that it can bring to individuals and communities. One simple way that we you can increase the quality of your interaction and connection with nature is by knowing more about the trees and plant life that you see around …

Forest Bathing: How interaction with nature can scientifically improve urban living

A great technique that can improve the mental wellbeing and physical health of urban populations when spending time in natural environments is Forest Bathing ‘Shinrin Yoku’. Introduction to SHINRIN YOKU Forest Bathing (Shinrin Yoku) was first developed in Japan after the Second World War in a response to the rapid mass urbanisation in the 1940 – 50s to rebuild the …