South East Asia’s informal streets and the future of walkability

All across Asia, streets and in particular footways, that are typically the domain of pedestrians in Western urban spaces, are used for a huge variety of activities that sustain and maintain the life blood of a city and street.  Whether that’s social space for gathering and meeting; economic spaces – where local businesses ply their service or sell their item; …

Vietnam and Laos pedestrian zones: A Review – Hanoi, Hoi an, Ho Chi Minh, Luang Prabang & Vientiane

As of 2020, five of the most important cities and towns in Vietnam and Laos have introduced both temporary and permanent pedestrian and walking zones. Ho Chi Minh’s (HCMC) walking street shows how combining both permenant pedestrianised streets with temporary timed car free areas provides great flexibility to people orientated urban areas and allows for  Hoi An’s temporary historical zone …

Surabaya’s urban green space strategy reducing city temperatures

As part of Indonesia’s second largest cities’ (10 million Greater metropolitan residents) green city initiatives the mayor of Surabaya has prioritised reducing the cities’ temperatures  Since Surabaya is close to the equator and at sea level it experiences high average temperatures which when influenced by the urban heat island effect result in even more uncomfortable temperatures. Surabaya has for over …

Pedestrians prefer shade over safety? Research in Malang Indonesia’s Green City

This medium sized temperate city in Eastern Java has taken advantage of its milder climate and existing green infrastructure to increase its total amount of greenery – the cities green strategy has increased its proportion of urban green space to more than 30%. One of the most successful elements of the cities plan to increase urban green space has been …

What do women want? The impact of female participation in Jakartan community sustainable transport projects

As one of the world’s largest mega cities (Greater Jakarta over 30 million) Jakarta’s transport network is under a lot of pressure and is currently dominated by private vehicles, both cars and around 15 millions motorbikes, leading to heavy congestion and non-pedestrian friendly street environments. As part of initiatives to develop more people and sustainable oriented transport networks community engagement …